Thursday, January 22, 2009

cold little hoonie...

Heres the little hoonie Ive been working on. He seems to be taking after me. Its been way too cold here ( around 0 degrees for the last week) and you can see the winter in him. Im thinking of making him holding a tissue box.. any thoughts?

cold little hoonie..

Well the hoonie is about 75% done. He seems to be reflecting my feelings right now. It has been way too close to 0 degrees outside for the last week or so, and so he is very wintery. Im thinking of putting a box of tissues in his hands.. what do you think? ( seems I cant get any pics to publish... will try again tomorow!)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Angelic Choir

So here they are, my choir of angels. (Chorus of angels?... hmmm, Im pretty sure they arent called a herd.. although since they have wings they could be a Anyway now that they are done I am free to begin something new. I have a wonderful tute for a maryhoonie waiting for me to start, and then there is the nagging steampunk doll that keeps appearing in my dreams. I am so excited at the possiblities! A new year, a new me, a new begining!!!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Finally! Im down to one more head and two sets of hands, and the ornaments that were Christmas elves will all be angels. YEAH!! I cant wait to get on to something else!! Its good to have something go right so Im happy to stay inside, the weather outside is frightening. The temps havent been so bad themselves, but there is about two inches of ice over everything. Makes it very hard to walk outside and ( of course) the wood stove is down hill from the door. Nothing like carrying an armload of wood with nails sticking out to the stove down an icey slope. Off to finish, pics to follow.. maybe even tonight!!